We’re almost a week into Second Session and it has been jam-packed! We’ve had four regular activity days and a Chewonki Day, in which we join together as a community to celebrate Chewonki’s values. Today is Excursion Day- the Owls are off visiting the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, the Eastside Heron & Ospreys are at Popham Beach State Park, and the Westside Heron & Ospreys are exploring Wolfe’s Neck Farm. On Sunday, our Puffin campers head home after their whirlwind ten-day camp experience!
A Quick Reminder about Campanion…
If you haven’t already added the Campminder Campanion App to your smartphone to view the photos, now is the time! You’ll get a personalized stream of content featuring photography, updates from camp, and more.
To get started, follow these three simple steps:
- Download the Campanion app on your smartphone (iPhone version) (Google pixel version)
- Login to the app using your CampInTouch account login and password
- Upload a reference photo of your child to enable automatic face-matching
That’s it! You’re ready for camp. For parents who don’t want to use a smartphone app, camp photography is also available through a desktop web browser by simply logging in to your CampInTouch Account.

We were excited to host a cross-campus evening program this week, starting with a game called “Chewonki Chaos.” We had two activities, one for the Puffins and Owls and one for our Heron and Osprey campers, each planned by one of the Campus Heads. The activities were intentionally designed for campers to get to know their counterpart age group through an engaging game. We were so thrilled with how the programs went and are excited for the campers to be able to reconnect later in the summer for Chewonki Games Day!

Puffowls (Puffin/Owl combo): We started with a game of “Chewonki Chaos.” The game involved mixing up all the cabins into four teams, and was the perfect mix of strategy, fun, and friendly camp-etition. After, we played a couple rounds of Running Charades. At the beginning of the night, campers were hesitant to interact with the other side; by the end, people were saying, “That was so fun!” The general consensus was that it was a great night! Campers and Counselors alike got really into the games and learned to work well with their teams.

Herspreys (Heron/Osprey combo): The older campers participated in a kickball tournament! Teams were mixed up by cabin, so a Westside and an Eastside cabin were paired together as one team. When the campers first arrived, they thought they were playing against the cabins they were put with and were really excited to learn they’d be playing together and quickly formed cohesive teams. Everyone had a fun time! The next day we did camper surveys, and many campers said they loved the shared group night! Highlight- When Eastside first came over all cautious of each other and by the end all clapping hands (things like “good game”) and celebrating together. Everyone playing and cheering!
Trips Update:


Meet the Staff!
We have a fantastic group of counselors, trip leaders, and support staff this summer who arrive at Chewonki from all over the country.
One of the best parts of summer camp is this chance to get to meet new people and learn more about their lives.
Many of our staff this summer are returning counselors, Leaders-in-Training, or Junior Counselors who have participated in other Chewonki programs and returned for another summer on the coast of Maine!