Life-Changing Learning in Nature
Ages 8-18

Life-Changing Learning in Nature
Ages 8-18
Our Values
From stories around the campfire to sunset paddles along the shore, we build our summer camp community to share the challenges and fun as a team. Campers return summer after summer to reunite with old friends and dive into the next adventure. At Chewonki, we expect every member of the community to contribute with an “all hands on deck” attitude.
There are few things in life that help build character and self-awareness like life at summer camp. We work with our campers to embrace authenticity, develop new skills, take a break from the ordinary and reflect on who they are, and what they want to be. Camp is a wonderful chance to grow and discover new interests with the guidance of excellent role models and compassionate counselors.
Embracing the Natural World
Unplugging from the pace of modern life has become increasingly rare for kids. Time away at overnight camp allows for simple living and nearly every waking moment outdoors in the natural world. Camp Chewonki is founded on a love for ecology, wildlife, and learning about the relationship between humans and the world around us.
Upcoming Events:
Select a backcountry adventure you'll never forget!
Beginner Trips
(Completing Grades 8-9)
Maine Appalachian Trail Backpacking Trip
A two-week backpacking trip through the 100-mile wilderness and beyond.
Maine Northwoods Canoe Trip
A two-week canoeing adventure along the wild rivers of Maine.
Maine Coast Kayaking Trip
A two-week coastal kayaking adventure.
Canada Geese:
Intermediate Trips
(Completing Grades 9-11)
Quebec Canoeing Trip
A three-week intermediate whitewater canoe trip into the remote waterways of Canada
Gaspé Peninsula Backpacking Trip
A three-week intermediate backpacking trip to the Matane Reserve in eastern Quebec.
Boatbuilders Expedition
A five-week program that includes hand-building your own sea kayak and an expeditionary trip along the coast of Maine and Canada.
Leaders-In-Training (Completing Grades 10-11)
A three-week program for young people interested in developing the leadership skills needed to serve at Chewonki and beyond!
Latest News

Autumn Update!
Hello Camp Chewonki Families, It’s hard to believe that September is almost over and autumn is officially upon us. The

Local Students Take to the Woods and Waters Thanks to the Maine Outdoor Learning Initiative
WISCASSET, ME – 8/28/2023 – With grant-funded support from Governor Mill’s Outdoor Learning Initiative, high school students from sixteen Maine

From Owlympics to Starch Madness, We Make Our Own Fun!
Hello camp families, The start of Second Session has flown by- somehow we have ten full days of camp left this

Session 2 Update
We’re almost a week into Second Session and it has been jam-packed! We’ve had four regular activity days and a Chewonki

Puffin Powers, Meanie Greenies, and Cardboard Canoes
Puffin Powers, Meanie Greenies, and Cardboard Canoes Everyone was so excited to welcome our Puffin campers for their 10-day session

Session 1 Update!
Summer of ’23 and I Gotta be me! Hooray for the start of summer! We were so glad to have